Monday, April 10, 2006


I told you that I had a date a couple of weeks ago, and totally forgot to keep you updated. Well, there's not really much to say. We got together, had some coffee, played a game of Trivial Pursuit (which she won, by the way) and had a good time. She had a nice face, though she was a bit... how shall I put this nicely... round around the behind. No, I'm not calling her fat! She wasn't. Just a bit round. Man, this makes me seem really shallow.
I haven't really decided if I like her in the correct way yet, but if we continue seeing eachother I might... or might not. Time will show. But I haven't heard from her since our date though. Maybe she's had a lot to do in school? Maybe I came on too strong? I'll probably speak with her sometime during easter though, so we'll see.

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