Monday, September 25, 2006

Sleepless in Seattle

My mom did call last night. After a letter like the one I sent her, how could she not call. She said that I would always be the same to her, and that she didn't understand. If she understood at once I would've been really surprised. This isn't a situation most people can place themselves in.
She also said that my father and her had talked about me (behind my back... how dare they :P (no negative things said though)) and that they actually thought I was homosexual. At least they knew that something wasn't completely right, and even though they were wrong in their assumptions, they were on the right track. After all, I am a lesbian woman caught in a man's body.
After our chat she said she had to digest this issue a bit more, and I don't blame her. It's a lot to take in. I provided her with links to some websites and I hope she'll read them today to get a better understanding of what being a transgender person actually involves.
Needless to say, this night was a night of constant falling asleep, waking up again, falling asleep, waking up, and so on and so forth. But it's good to know that it's now in the open, and that it can only go one way from here... falling asleep at the office... and going mentally up the stairs which I've, until now, gone down.

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